QuickBooks is the world’s Number 1 online accounting software. It is fast and easy to use. As a QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor, we can offer you training and implementation services so that you can run it yourself. Or we can manage your bookkeeping for you, if you prefer.

Our Quickbooks training includes:

* Setting up your company
* How to navigate around Quickbooks
* The Help functions
* Setting up new Customers
* Entering your opening balances
* Your payment terms
* How Items are used in Quickbooks
* How to raise and send an invoice
* Handling Credit notes and refunds
* Entering cash sales
* Receipts: full and part allocation
* Deposits
* Statements
* How to allocate full and part payments against invoices
* Recording and allocating payments on account
* Handling estimates and Sales Orders
* Applying mark-ups
* Setting up new Suppliers
* Entering opening balances
* Supplier Payment Terms
* Entering Bills and Purchase Orders
* Entering Credit Notes
* Bill Payments and allocation
* Non Supplier payments
* Discounts
* How to handle payments by cheque, credit card or cash,
* How to apply credit notes, part payments, and allocate payments on account;
* Learn different ways to track what you owe suppliers and the implications on VAT reporting
Bank: entering payments and receipts
* How to reconcile your bank statement with Quickbooks and other banking matters
* How the Stock system works in Quickbooks
* Setting up Items
* Receiving Items
* Stock Take adjustments
* Setting up and amending VAT codes
* VAT Return – Cash and Accrual basis
* Basic Reports
* Working with Customer, Supplier, and Other Names lists
* Learning to set up and manipulate these lists
* Standard Reports, Graphs, Drilling down
* Track who owes you money and to whom you owe money
Back up and Restore – how to back up and restore your data

We provide QuickBooks training and bookkeeping. Get in touch to find out more.